

Rustandy, Ade (Ade Rustandy, Indonesia)

Rustandy, Ade (Ade Rustandy, Indonesia)

Biology Teacher, Sma Negeri 1 Parungkuda (1 Parungkuda National High School), Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia

Mr. Ade Rustandy is a Biology teacher of 1 Parungkuda National High School in Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province in Indonesia.  He became an environmentalist after his school joined the Children’s Forest Program (CFP) of OISCA International in 2008. He managed CFP with various activities such as tree planting inside the school grounds, making compost and organic fertilizer, organic agriculture and conducting observation trips to places implementing environmental projects.  Because of his dedication to the program, the school was awarded the grand prize forin Best Environmentally Cultured School in the whole regency.  He was also a recipient of an award from the Sukabumi Regent as the Most Caring Teacher for the Environment.  This year, 2013, Parungkuda National High Schoolit represents Sukabumi Regency for at the high school level in the national Adiwiyata Award.   Adiwiyata is the highest environmental award given to schools that are concerned about the environment and is given annually by Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment.  All of these achievements were realized through his Mr. Rustandy’s efforts to help the environment.
