

Soma, Misako (Misako Soma, Japan)

Soma, Misako (Misako Soma, Japan)

Secretary General, TERUHA Forest Association

Ms. Misako Soma was born in Miyazaki Prefecture in 1959. She graduated from the Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan. In 2002, she served at the Environmental Information Center of Miyazaki Prefecture. She came to have interests in nature experience learning and environmental education through her duties at the Center and undertook nature game activities as a volunteer.
Since 2007, she has been working for the “TERUHA Forest Association” that serves as the secretariat of the Aya Lucidophyllous Forest Project.
Since 2008, she has also been involved in the “Nature Contact Investigation,” a joint project with the Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J), through conducting activities along with the people of Aya Town.
In 2011, the Association held the first “International TERUHA Forest Conference” with 700 participants in Aya Town having a population of 7000.



