The Local Community and AEON (Its Partners and AEON)

AEON aims to set an example as a good corporate citizen, working together with the community for its growth and the improvement of quality of life.

At AEON,we promote management practices that are in step with the local community.

We believe that AEON forms a “partnership” with the local community. We proactively exchange information with local partners about the lifestyles of our customers in the community, reflecting local community values in our business practices.

At AEON,we respond to the needs of the local community, and provide a place where people can come together.

We conduct business that anticipates the wide variety of our customers’ lifestyle needs, offering high-quality products and services, in convenient and pleasant facilities. At the same time, we provide a place for the local community to gather for educational and information-sharing opportunities.

At AEON,we work in partnership with the local community to promote environmental conservation activities.

We endeavor to bring about clean streets with lush greenery, and support a recycling society by reusing resources and reducing the amount of garbage we produce to as great an extent as possible. Our objective is to be the leading corporation working beyond local and national borders, showing the world how to preserve our beautiful planet Earth.

At AEON,we actively support volunteer activities together with the citizens of local communities.

We actively support welfare and other volunteer activities, working together with others in the local community who share the AEON philosophy. We believe that both locally and internationally, contact and interaction with others is an important, worthwhile activity.

At AEON,we respect the culture and traditions of local communities, offering support whenever and wherever we can.

We respect the oral traditions and culture handed down over generations in individual local communities. We support local efforts to discover and preserve these valuable cultural links with the past.