Corporate Governance
Basic Policy on Corporate Governance (Enacted on April 13, 2016, revised on April 12, 2023)
Ever since its founding, AEON has remained customer focused and adhered to the conviction that unstinting contribution to customers and local communities and realization of employee happiness are the timeless mission of the retail industry.
In keeping with these values, AEON has set forth the Foundational Ideals of "pursuing peace, respecting humans, and contributing to local communities, always with customers as our starting point" and used it as a guideline for all corporate activities.
As expressed in the Foundational Ideal, AEON firmly believes that retailing is an industry to promote peace, humanity, and local communities. To remain a thriving corporate group that fulfills this mission, we are committed to continuous innovation, with customers as our starting point.
Peace cannot be achieved without active and conscious engagement, whether it be in recovering from war and disaster or in maintaining and promoting living in peace. Our conviction is grounded in the real-life experience of Takuya Okada, Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor to the President. After the Second World War, Mr. Okada witnessed a customer in line at a store, holding a flyer and weeping tears of joy, saying, "The war is really over," and he came to realize that the existence of retailing was a symbol of peace. From this realization, he decided that peace was a prerequisite for retailing to exist, and that retailing must contribute to the maintenance of peace.
Peace is more than just the absence of war and violence. It encompasses not only peace of mind but also resilience in the face of wars, disasters, and other hardships. Even in the 21st century, we continue to witness wars and face natural disasters such as earthquakes and extreme weather events more frequently than ever. This calls for us to rethink the value of peace now. Peace cannot be given by itself. Peace can only be maintained through our active and conscious engagement.
AEON will never do anything that contradicts peace. AEON will never take part in any such actions or activities. Our aim is to make a positive contribution to peace.
As for humans, by believing in and respecting each person, their abilities and aspirations will flourish, and by connecting with others, they feel much happier in their lives.
Honorary President Okada called the retailing sector a "humanistic industry." This means respecting the "human way," which includes having respect for each person’s individuality, dignity, and autonomy. It also means believing in their potential and encouraging them to grow and become better humans through work and learning. However, it is difficult for humans to grow alone, and it is through "human connections" that we can become better humans together with others. It is both a realization of happiness and a pursuit of norms among people. In short, retailing is an industry of people’s happiness and norms.
Enriching local communities requires us to respect the diversity and independence of each region, and to constantly meet and care for their specific needs.
Retailing is by nature a region-based industry that flourishes with the local communities. To maintain the richness and well-being of regions and the local communities within them, it is vital to take care of them continuously. This is one of the important roles of retailing. As regions and local communities increasingly become more important in the future, AEON will actively contribute to their prosperity by developing products tailored to each region and promoting the welfare of the local people.
AEON is committed to actively engaging in peace efforts, supporting human happiness and norms, and contributing to the prosperity of local communities. These ideals form the foundation of putting "customers as our starting point," which places the needs and preferences of our customers first at the center of our operations.
Putting our customers first means that we do not put ourselves first, that is, we do not think and act for our own convenience. On the contrary, we always put our customers first and act with the highest standards of integrity, which is the foundation of AEON. We will use this as a mirror to reflect ourselves and as the standard for every decision and action made by all AEON People. Even when it becomes tempting to prioritize our company's or personal interests or convenience, we must firmly resist and overcome such temptations to preserve our unwavering dedication to our customers.
To achieve this, AEON must be a corporate group that continues to innovate.
Ensuring a company’s growth and survival is of paramount importance, but without constant innovation, it will decline and eventually perish. Even if maintaining the status quo is stable and comfortable, a company should not be complacent but continuously change and improve itself. Having the foresight and insight to constantly look ahead to changes in our customers and various social changes, it is essential for us to continue innovating. All AEON People are dedicated to anticipating the evolution and changes in our customers’ lifestyles and the needs of society.
AEON has transformed from a family business to a corporation, and then to an industry. It has always preserved a dynamic corporate culture. However, as society changes faster and faster, we are most worried about losing the required innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and becoming stagnant like many large companies. We understand that static equilibrium, where the status quo continues without change, will not last at all. The only way to avoid being overtaken by newer innovators is for AEON to remain the largest and most advanced innovator. It is our firm determination to be an organization that constantly renews itself by keeping its founding spirit and staying ahead of its time.
AEON will act with the firm belief that by embodying and practicing these ideals, we can contribute to the maintenance and development of peace, humans, and local communities.
On the basis of this recognition, we have set forth the basic concept of values, management stance and corporate governance to be emphasized in AEON's corporate governance in the following Basic Stance on Corporate Governance and have enacted and published the Basic Policy on Corporate Governance, with the Basic Stance at its core, in order to continue into the future to practice management grounded in a long-term perspective built on the Foundational Ideal and AEON's DNA of innovation.
Basic Stance on Corporate Governance
Value Creation through Customer Orientation and Frontline Focus
At AEON, we consider realization of a sense of well-being for customers our most important mission. We pursue optimal value creation adapted to changing customer needs by focusing tightly on the frontline of the business, our point of contact with customers, and by always thinking with customers as the starting point. -
Respect for People, Our Most Important Management Resource
By respecting employees, placing importance on diversity, and actively providing education opportunities in keeping with the conviction that people are the most important management resource, AEON aspires to be a company made up of employees who strive for self-growth, are linked by strong bonds, and find their greatest pleasure in contributing to customers. -
A Posture of Developing Together with Local Communities
As a member of local communities and a caring corporate citizen, AEON seeks to develop together with our fellow community members, namely our customers, employees, shareholders, and business partners, and to contribute to the prosperity of local communities, sustainability of the natural environment, and peace. -
Sustained Growth Based on a Long-Term Perspective and Ceaseless Innovation
To continue to meet the expectations of customers and local communities, AEON strives for sustained growth accompanied by value creation from a long-term perspective and management focused on sustained value enhancement for the entire group by undertaking ceaseless innovation to cope with a changing business environment. -
Pursuit of Transparent, Disciplined Management
AEON strives for transparent and disciplined management by seeking proactive dialogue with customers and other stakeholders, taking their evaluation seriously, and being self-disciplined at all times.
Business Activities
- AEON conducts its business activities with the conviction that it can contribute to the maintenance and development of peace, people, and communities through the penetration and practice of its Foundational Ideals.
- As a pure holding company, the Company formulates management policies to which the group should aspire, optimizes allocation of management resources, and creates cross-business synergies for the purpose of transcending the framework of the group's businesses and companies and putting into practice the value creation for customers and local communities articulated in the AEON Foundational Ideals.
Employees and Human Resources
- AEON respects its employees, the Group's most important management resource, who are responsible for creating value for customers.
- AEON respects the human rights of employees, never discriminates based on nationality, ethnicity, gender, academic background, religion, physical or mental disability, or other reason, provides fair and equitable evaluation, and uniformly provides opportunities for employees to learn, grow, and demonstrate their abilities.
- AEON promotes the cultivation and utilization of human resources, including workforce diversity, to practice innovative management that takes advantage of diverse values.
Environmental and Social Contributions
- AEON contributes to local communities through its businesses.
- To promote sustainable management, AEON has instituted the AEON Sustainability Principle and engages in initiatives for realization of a decarbonized society, conservation of biodiversity, effective use of resources, creating products and stores that meet society’s expectations, practicing fair business activities with respect for human rights, and collaboration with communities as particularly important tasks.
Internal Control and Risk Management
- To fulfill its responsibilities to all stakeholders, AEON will ensure management transparency and fairness, strive to practice sustainable and stable management, and constantly progress development of internal control-related systems, compliance and risk management as mechanisms to support this management.
- With regard to internal control initiatives, AEON develops thorough check system in the Internal Audit Department and promotes the most suitable organizational operation. AEON strives to ensure the practice of compliance through inculcation of compliance learning and practice among all employees, including executive management, and compliance status monitoring and reporting to the Audit Committee by the Internal Audit Department.
- The Representative Executive Officers and all other Executive Officers take responsibility for leading risk management. AEON has set up the Risk Management Committee, which led by Chief Administration Officer of Risk Management, as an organization in charge of risk management under the control of the AEON Management Committee and prepared against a variety of risks and crises by developing a cross-business management system. In addition, we have established the Basic Business Continuity Plan, which includes preparation of a supply system for relief supplies under a cooperative framework with business partners and utilization of business sites as community disaster management bases and strive to strengthen business continuity in response to risks.
Stakeholder Communications
- In the interest of practicing sustainable management that develops together with all stakeholders, and enhancing corporate value from a long-term perspective, AEON is highly transparent in providing information to stakeholders and engages in constructive stakeholder dialogue.
- AEON considers the views of customers the core of management and supports customers' right to know through proactive dissemination of information and dialogue. We also ascertain customer expectations and requests towards AEON and make good use of customer opinions in management.
- In the interest of enhancing corporate value from a long-term perspective, for shareholders, AEON's partners in management, we practice highly transparent management through easy-to-understand, accurate, and prompt disclosure of information on matters such as management policies and the financial situation. We strive for open management that reflects the views of shareholders by arranging regular forums for dialogue in addition to the General Meeting of Shareholders.
- AEON respects its business partners, who are essential to the practice of innovative business development and aims for mutual prosperity through fair trading based on appropriate procedures and trust.
- AEON strives to put into practice its Personnel Management Principles namely, "Listen to the aspirations of employees, know the hearts of employees, and bring out the best in employees" by arranging various opportunities to listen to the views of employees. We also ascertain the views of employees through dialogue with the labor union, which represents AEON employees, and strive for management innovation that incorporates the views of employees.
Financial and Capital Policies
- AEON pursues corporate value enhancement through sustained growth and improvement in profitability and capital efficiency and strives to strengthen its financial base over the long term.
- AEON aims to build a long-term partnership with shareholders and strives to provide shareholder returns through stable dividends and sustained corporate value enhancement.
Corporate Governance System
- The Company has adopted a "company with a nomination committee and other committees system" as the optimal corporate governance system to practice management based on the Foundational Ideals that incorporates a groupwide perspective, management that is transparent, sustainable, and stable, and ceaseless innovation with customers as the core.
- The Company segregates management oversight and business execution and has instituted a governance system that realizes expeditious management decision-making through delegation of significant authority to Executive Officers. We have established the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee, each consisting of a majority of Outside Directors, to ensure management transparency and objectivity.
- The Company constantly aspires to optimal corporate governance and continually examines and reviews the governance system.
Role and Structure of the Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors resolves matters stipulated by law as the Company's management decision-making body, decides and approves basic management policies and important matters relating to business execution, and supervises the performance of duties by the Directors and Executive Officers.
- To increase the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, the Board consists of an appropriate number of directors who have a broad range of experience, abilities, and professional knowledge.
- To strengthen the oversight function of the Board of Directors, a majority of the directors are Outside Directors.
Operation of the Board of Directors
- The chairman of the Board of Directors prepares a framework that makes possible vigorous discussion, appropriate judgment, and fair-minded oversight by the Board of Directors.
- The Company reflects the insights and objective views of Outside Directors in operation of the Board of Directors by providing sufficient information to the Outside Directors by means including advance distribution of Board of Directors meeting materials, advance explanations as necessary, and sharing of important information on all aspects of management.
- The Company arranges separate opportunities for discussion of the medium-term management plan, important policies, and other important issues that require intensive discussion and secures sufficient time for discussion by the directors in preparation of deliberation by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors discusses the previous business year's activities and results at the meeting held after the end of the business year, shares the discussion results with the management team, and discloses a summary of the results.
Three Committees
- The Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee each consists of a majority of Outside Directors and operates more objectively and transparently by electing an Outside Director as the committee chairperson.
- The Audit Committee, which consists entirely of Outside Directors and is completely segregated from business execution, performs oversight to ensure that the duties of the directors and Executive Officers are performed lawfully and appropriately. The Audit Committee strives to enhance its functions through assistance from the Internal Audit Department, which is independent from the operating units, and cooperation with the external accounting auditor.
Executive Officers
- The Representative Executive Officers represent the Company, deciding all matters and performing all business-related actions delegated by the Board of Directors. The Executive Officers decide matters and perform management execution delegated by resolution of the Board of Directors under the orders and direction of the Representative Executive Officers.
Decision-Making Related to Business Execution
- The Company engages in more expeditious decision-making by delegating to the Representative Executive Officers the authority of the Board of Directors, except for matters requiring resolution of the Board of Directors under the Companies Act and the Articles of Incorporation.
- The Representative Executive Officers decide business execution policies and important matters following referral and discussion in the AEON Management Committee, consisting of the Representative Executive Officers and other executive managers.
- The Representative Executive Officers endeavor to clarify the responsibility structure and expedite management decisions by clearly defining the duties and authority of each Executive Officer.
Development of Management Personnel, Provision of Information to and Support for Executive Managers
- The Company selects the next generation of management personnel from all group companies, decides a development policy for each individual in the Management Skill Planning Committee, and develops management personnel through work assignments and education in accordance with the policy.
- AEON provides executive education for Directors, Executive Officers, and Corporate Auditors of all group companies to enable them to acquire the knowledge required of managers, including seminars for newly appointed corporate officers.
- To enable the Outside Directors to properly perform their function, the Company continually provides information on the Group's strategies, businesses, organizations, finances, and other matters when and after they assume office. Furthermore, the Outside Directors deepen their understanding of AEON's group management by inspecting stores in Japan and overseas, participating in policy discussion forums and group internal policy announcements, engaging in tree planting and other AEON social contribution activities, and other means.
Establishment and Supervision of the Internal Compliance Reporting System
- The Company has instituted an internal compliance reporting system and set up AEON Code of Conduct Hotline. The Internal Audit Department oversees the status of development and operation of the internal compliance reporting system and reports to the AEON Management Committee and Audit Committee.
- AEON has established the operational rules of the internal whistle-blowing system and strives for its appropriate operation, including protection of whistleblowers and persons who cooperate in investigations.
Role and Selection of the External Accounting Auditor
- AEON has established the operational rules of the internal whistle-blowing system and strives for its appropriate operation, including protection of whistleblowers and persons who cooperate in investigations.
- The Audit Committee determines criteria for the appointment, evaluation, and reappointment of the external accounting auditor, conducts an evaluation each year based on the criteria, and reappoints or appoints the external accounting auditor based on the evaluation.
Status of Corporate Governance
The Company has adopted the “company with a nomination committee and other committees system” and has established a Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Compensation Committee.
Reason for adopting a company with a nomination committee and other committees system
The Company has adopted a “company with a nomination committee and other committees” system. We consider this system as currently best suited to practice corporate governance at the Company, which pursues management based on Foundational Ideals that incorporate a groupwide perspective, management that is transparent, sustainable, and stable, and ceaseless innovation with customers as the core.
Business execution framework
Since AEON is a company with a nomination committee and other committees, we have adopted a system under which the Board of Directors delegates substantial authority for business execution to the executive officers and timely decisions are made. Among matters delegated to the executive officers by resolution of the Board of Directors, particularly important decisions on business execution are discussed and decided in the AEON Management Committee.
The principal roles of each governing body
Title of committee Objective and authority for business Members of committee Board of Directors The Board of Directors resolves matters stipulated by law as the Company’s management decision-making body, decides and approves basic management policies and important matters relating to business execution, and supervises the performance of duties by the Directors and Executive Officers. Motoya Okada (Chairman of the Board, Chairman and Representative Executive Officer)
Akio Yoshida
Yuki Habu
Mitsuko Tsuchiya
Takashi Tsukamoto (Outside Director)
Peter Child (Outside Director)
Carrie Yu (Outside Director)
Makoto Hayashi (Outside Director)
Richard Collasse (Outside Director)Audit Committee The Audit Committee audits the execution of duties by the directors and executive officers, prepares audit reports and decides the details of resolutions for submission to the General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the appointment, dismissal and non-reappointment of independent auditors. Makoto Hayashi(Chairman of the Audit Committee)
Takashi Tsukamoto
Carrie Yu
Richard CollasseNomination Committee The Nomination Committee decides the details of resolutions for submission to the General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the appointment and dismissal of directors. Takashi Tsukamoto (Chairman of the Nomination Committee)
Peter Child
Motoya OkadaCompensation Committee The Compensation Committee decides policies concerning and details of compensation of individual directors and executive officers. Takashi Tsukamoto (Chairman of the Compensation Committee)
Peter Child
Motoya Okada- Note: The registered name of Outside Director Carrie Yu is Carrie Ip.
Corporate Governance Schematic Diagram
Internal Control Systems
To fulfill its responsibilities to all stakeholders, AEON is committed to transparent, fair, sustainable and stable management. In order to effectively put this management into practice, we constantly strive to establish and enhance appropriate systems for internal controls, compliance and risk management. We are further developing our internal control systems, primarily by reinforcing the framework for promoting corporate ethics, which is the foundation of internal controls. In keeping with the basic guidelines for day-to-day conduct and judgment criteria, we are working to disseminate and instill good corporate ethics in all Group employees. We also provide employee education programs on an ongoing basis to improve compliance awareness and improve understanding of the AEON Foundational Ideals.
In addition, for the purpose of prevention and early detection of violations of laws and ethical regulations, the Company has established a consultation service for whistle-blowing as a group with contact points in the Company and outside the Company. The applicable organizational unit investigates matters reported via the consultation service and implements corrective action and measures to prevent any reoccurrence of violations.
The Internal Audit Department oversees the development and operation of internal control systems, and reports the status to the AEON Management Committee and Audit Committee. -
Risk Management System
Regarding the risk management system, a Risk Management Officer is appointed to chair the Risk Management Committee. The committee identifies high-priority risks through risk assessments and manages the progress of countermeasures and their effectiveness.
In order to eliminate contact with anti-social forces, we have established internal rules, including concrete action guidelines, and disseminate them to organizational heads through various seminars. In addition, we have participated in the public Special Violence Prevention Measures Association (Tokubouren), as a measure to protect against possible claims for unjust gains. -
Basic Policy on Control of the Company
- ⅰ.Contents of basic policy and overview of initiatives about the contribute to its realization
AEON’s eternal mission as a corporate group is to benefit customers, and its operations are thus customer-focused to the highest degree. The Company has developed its business with the aim of contributing to the enrichment of customers' lives through retailing and related industries. Keeping “Pursuing peace, respecting humanity, and contributing to local communities, always with the customer's point of view as its core" as its unchanging basic principles, the Company has endeavored to deliver customer satisfaction and continuously enhance its corporate value, with the Foundational Ideals forming the basis of the Company’s corporate value. AEON's corporate value encompasses a variety of other values, such as securing employment, helping to enhancing lifestyles and culture, and contributing to society and environmental preservation, in addition to sustained and long-term corporate growth, and collaboration and coordination with associates and partners.
To continue doing business in a fair and proper manner and fulfill our social responsibilities, the Company must embody the Foundational Ideals from a long-term perspective. AEON believes that those who control decisions on the Company's financial and operational policies must be people who will maintain and develop the corporate value of AEON as described above. - ⅱ.Overview of initiatives to prevent inappropriate control
The Company’s shares are listed on a financial instruments exchange (securities exchange) and can be freely traded. However, in the event that a business group or other entity that is pursuing short-term profits initiates an acquisition and makes an unjust acquisition bid, there is a risk that the Company’s shareholders will be disadvantaged as a result. The decision to accept or reject an acquisition bid should be made by the shareholders. However, in the event of an acquisition bid, the Company requires those making the bid to follow the prescribed procedures to provide sufficient materials so that the Company’s shareholders can be afforded an adequate amount of time to make a decision based on sufficient and accurate information. At the same time, in order to be able to take countermeasures against acquisition bids that are deemed to be clearly harmful to the general interests of shareholders, the Company included a proposal for the “policy concerning large-scale acquisitions of the Company’s shares” among the matters to be resolved at its 99th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 29, 2024, and shareholder approval for this proposal was received.
These are “advance warning type” acquisition defense measures, which require that any party who attempts to acquire 20% or more of the Company's voting rights comply with the acquisition rules, which include providing sufficient information to the Company including an overview of the Large-Scale Share Acquirer, the calculation basis for the acquisition price, the acquisition method, the source of funds for the acquisition, and the management policy following the acquisition.
Should a Large-Scale Share Acquirer emerge, the Board of Directors will disclose the fact and establish an independent committee that is composed of one or more outside experts and outside directors. The Board of Directors shall request that the committee provides its opinion on the information provided (the final deadline for response shall be a date within 60 days from the date of receipt of the letter of intent, even in cases where additional information is requested). The Board of Directors will respect the opinions of the committee to the maximum extent possible, and announce the results of the evaluation of the acquisition proposal within the stipulated evaluation period (60 days or 90 days). In order to further enhance the objectivity of its judgement, the Board of Directors and the independent committee may request the opinions of other experts as appropriate. In addition, in the event that the abovementioned rules are not observed, or in the event that it is clear that shareholders’interests will be harmed, such as when it is suspected that the purpose is to demand the repurchase of shares at a higher price or to sell them at a higher price, the Board of Directors may implement countermeasures such as issuing new shares or stock acquisition rights without waiting for the prescribed evaluation period to pass. Furthermore, when the Company issues stock acquisition rights with differentiated exercise conditions that restrict the Large-Scale Share Acquirer’s exercising of rights, the stock acquisition rights shall be subject to a clause for acquisition by the Company so that shareholders will not have to go through burdensome procedures. In principle, it is the Board of Directors that will determine the details of countermeasures and adopt or reject them as per their duty of care as directors. However, in exceptional cases, resolutions on the adoption or rejection of countermeasures may be passed at the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders, when, in light of the countermeasures’ nature and impacts, it is necessary to seek the judgement of shareholders.
The Company will promptly disclose sufficient information and provide this to shareholders at each stage of the procedure to enable them to make judgements.
These acquisition defense measures will remain effective until they expire at the conclusion of the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in May 2027. - ⅲ.Judgement by the Board of Directors concerning the consistency of the measures in ii) above with the Basic Policy, etc.
The various documents requested from the Large-Scale Share Acquirer include not only an overview of the Large-Scale Share Acquirer and related parties, but also the financial background and funding scheme, matters related to the legality of the share acquisition method, and the post-acquisition management plan, etc. Through the disclosure of such materials, not only will the concrete stance of the Large-Scale Share Acquirer toward the Foundational Ideals (the abovementioned Basic Policies) be clearly indicated, but more importantly, shareholders will be provided with an enhanced set of materials upon which to base their decision-making.
Therefore, the Board of Directors has determined that the response policy described above is in line with the abovementioned Basic Policy and the common interests of the Company's shareholders, and that it is not for the purpose of maintaining the status of the Company's officers.
- ⅰ.Contents of basic policy and overview of initiatives about the contribute to its realization
Other Matters
- ⅰ.Summary of agreements limiting liability
To enable the recruitment of talented people as outside directors, the Company has entered into limitation of liability agreements with all of the outside directors to limit their respective liabilities for damages to the Company under Article 423, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act of Japan when there is no willful misconduct or gross negligence in the performance of their duties to the higher of ¥15 million or the amount prescribed by law and indemnify the outside directors for damages in excess of this limit. - ⅱ.Summary of directors and officers liability insurance contract
- a. Scope of insureds
Directors and executive officer of the Company, and directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, executive officers, etc., of certain domestic subsidiaries - b. Summary of the insurance contract
The Company has entered into a directors and officers liability insurance contract (“D&O insurance policy”) with an insurance company as stipulated in Article 430-3, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act. The D&O insurance policy covers costs for compensation for damages and litigation costs incurred by the insured as a result of claims for damages arising out of acts (including negligence) carried out pursuant to the company position of the relevant director or officer.
However, the D&O insurance policy has an established excess amount, whereby damages within that excess are not covered by the policy. Insurance premiums are paid in full by the Company.
- a. Scope of insureds
- ⅲ.Number of directors
The Company’s Articles of Incorporation stipulate that the number of directors of the Company shall be twelve or fewer. - ⅳ.Requirements for resolutions for the election of directors
The Company’s Articles of Incorporation stipulate that a resolution for the election of directors must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) or more majority vote at a meeting in which one-third (1/3) or more of the shareholders entitled to exercise voting rights are present; provided, however, that the election of directors shall not be by cumulative voting. - ⅴ.Decision-making body on payment of dividends from retained earnings
The Articles of Incorporation stipulate that with respect to the matters relating to dividends from surplus, etc. provided in the items in paragraph 1 of Article 459 of the Companies Act of Japan shall be decided by a resolution of the Board of Directors without a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders unless otherwise stipulated by Law. - ⅵ.Requirements for special resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders
In order to lower the required quorum for a special resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to facilitate the operation of such meetings, the Company’s Articles of Incorporation stipulate that a special resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders pursuant to Article 309, paragraph 2 of the Companies Act of Japan must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) or more majority vote at a meeting in which one-third (1/3) or more of the shareholders entitled to exercise voting rights are present. - ⅶ.Approach to publicly listed parent and subsidiaries
AEON emphasizes autonomy and originality in its group companies and has put into practice the idea that implementing group management through decentralization enhances the corporate value of the entire group. Based on that, AEON has a parent-subsidiary listed management structure in which 21 major consolidated subsidiaries (16 domestic and 5 overseas), which form the core of each business, have their shares listed on securities markets. The decision on whether or not to list a company is based on a thorough examination of each individual company to determine if sustainable growth is expected to be furthered by autonomous management based on business or regional characteristics, and whose management quality is expected to benefit from the discipline of the capital market. In the interests of the independence of listed subsidiaries and the protection of minority shareholders, AEON requests the appointment of independent outside directors, the establishment of advisory committees made up of independent officers, and so on to reduce the risk of structural conflicts of interest and ensure the effectiveness of the governance system of its listed subsidiaries.
- ⅰ.Summary of agreements limiting liability
At AEON, to ensure that the Board of Directors will effectively perform the management supervision function,
five out of the nine members of the Board are outside directors. All the five outside directors have been registered
with the Tokyo Stock Exchange as independent directors, indicating that the Company has no interest relationship with them.
Outside directors also comprise a majority of the Nomination Committee and the Compensation Committee (two out of the three members, respectively)
as well as the Audit Committee (all four members), and each of the Three Committees is chaired by an outside director.
These are a measure to ensure management transparency.
Outside directors are selected properly based on two internal regulations: Outside Directors Nomination Standards
that describe requirements for supporting the Foundational Ideals and having built appropriate management experience
and expertise; and Outside Directors Independence Standards that define independent positions to be able to make impartial decisions
against the management.
Reasons for appointment of outside directors
Name | Reasons for appointment of outside directors |
Takashi Tsukamoto | Takashi Tsukamoto has served as a corporate manager at major financial institutions, has been internationally active in the financial field, and has rich insights and extensive experience related to overall management. We appointed him as outside director and independent committee member to maintain and enhance the transparency and soundness of overall management, and to enhance corporate governance. |
Peter Child | Peter Child has expertise in the retail sector gained primarily from serving as a leader of consumer goods and retail group at major consulting company. We appointed him as outside director and independent committee member to benefit from the guidance that he would be able to provide in the area of promoting global management of the Company. |
Carrie Yu | Carrie Yu belongs to CPA associations in various countries. She has international expertise in accounting and the retail sector gained primarily from serving as a leader of retail and consumer group in Asia Pacific region at major consulting company. We appointed her as outside director and independent committee member to benefit from the guidance that she would be able to provide in the area of promoting global management of the Company. | Hayashi Makoto | Hayashi Makoto has served as an attorney at law who has successively filled posts of Superintending Prosecutor of Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office and Prosecutor-General. Therefore, he has rich experience and insights in law and legal compliance. We appointed him as outside director and independent committee member to benefit from the advice and guidance that he would be able to provide in the area of promoting legal compliance management such as risk management and legal compliance. | Richard Collasse | Richard Collasse has expertise regarding global management in the retail sector, which includes serving as Chief Officer of global companies in Europe and Asia, and as President of the Japan Office. We appointed him as an outside director and independent committee member to benefit from the advice and guidance that he would be able to provide in the area of promoting global management of the Company. |
Status of Audit
Since the Company has Nomination Committee, etc., the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee play a central role in the management monitoring function. All three members of the Audit Committee are outside directors, further clarifying their independence from business execution.
The Audit Committee audits business execution by Directors and Executive Officers, prepares audit reports, and decides the content of proposals for submission to the General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the appointment, dismissal, and non-reappointment of the independent auditor. The Audit Committee strives to improve its function through assistance with its duties provided by the Internal Audit Department, which is independent from the operating divisions, and cooperation with the external independent auditor.
Mr. Makoto Hayashi is an attorney at law who has successively filled posts of Superintending Prosecutor of Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office and Prosecutor-General. Therefore, he has rich experience and insights in legislation and legal compliance.
Mr. Takashi Tsukamoto has extensive knowledge and experience in finance and accounting, having served as a corporate manager at a major financial institution and being internationally active in the field of banking and finance.
Ms. Carrie Yu belongs to CPA associations in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Canada, and has international and professional expertise in accounting and retail, including leadership of the Asia Pacific retail and consumer group at a leading consulting firm.
Mr. Richard Collasse has expertise regarding global management in the retail sector, which includes serving as Chief Officer of global companies in Europe and Asia, and as President of the Japan Office.
Attendance at Audit Committee meetings in FY2023
Attendances/Meetings | Attendance rate | |
Kotaro Ohno | 3/3 | 100% |
Takashi Tsukamoto | 9/9 | 100% |
Carrie Yu | 9/9 | 100% |
Makoto Hayashi | 6/6 | 100% |
- The attendance record of Mr. Kotaro Ohno predates his retirement as a member of the Audit Committee during FY2023, while that of Mr. Makoto Hayashi occurs subsequent to his appointment as a member of the Audit Committee during the same fiscal year.
We have established the Corporate Audit Office, comprising 30 full-time employees, as an independent department responsible for internal audits, distinct from other operational activities. Each group company maintains its own internal audit department or internal audit manager, with the Corporate Audit Office providing guidance and support for group-wide audit activities.
The Corporate Audit Office conducts internal audits of both the Company and Group companies in line with the "Internal Audit Regulations" set by the MC (AEON Management Committee), aiming to contribute to the effective achievement of management objectives. It also monitors the implementation of internal audits across Group companies. Adhering to standards set by the Institute of Internal Auditors, an international organization, the Corporate Audit Office employs a risk-based auditing methodology, which is cascaded down to each Group company.Audit findings are reported directly to members of the Audit Committee, executive officers, and managers, and are also presented to the Board of Directors through the Audit Committee.
Additionally, we enhance collaboration with the accounting auditor, conducting bi-weekly information exchanges to ensure appropriate audits.
- Name of independent auditor
- Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
- Certified public accountants who executed accounting audit
- Tomoyasu Maruyama
- Awashima Kunikazu
- Shinsuke Tsuji
- Continuous Engagement Period with the Auditor
- Since 1975
- Composition of assistants involved in audit work
- 13 certified public accountants, 53 others
- Policy and reasons for selection of the independent auditor
- The Audit Committee conducts an evaluation based on predetermined auditor evaluation, selection, and reappointment criteria and selects an independent auditor based on this evaluation. When the Audit Committee has determined that dismissal or non-reappointment of the independent auditor is necessary, it decides the content of proposals for submission to the General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the appointment, dismissal, and non-reappointment of the independent auditor. Recognizing that proper corporate governance is essential to ensure the reliability of financial reporting, the independent auditor endeavors to carry out effective audits.
- Evaluation of the independent auditor by the Audit Committee
- The Audit Committee receives from the independent auditor an annual audit plan and reports on financial audits and reviews quarterly or more frequently, exchanges opinions and information with the independent auditor periodically or as necessary, and, for the purpose of enhancing audit effectiveness, mutually strives with the independent auditor to strengthen collaboration and performs comprehensive evaluations.
Category | Fiscal year ended February 28, 2023 | Fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 | ||
Compensation for auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for non-auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for non-auditing services (millions of yen) |
Submitting company | 140 | 5 | 148 | 2 |
Consolidated subsidiaries | 2,174 | 112 | 2,240 | 98 |
Total | 2,314 | 117 | 2,389 | 101 |
- Fiscal year ended February 28, 2023
At the Company, non-auditing services primarily encompass advisory services related to auditor education and the preparation of comfort letters.
At consolidated subsidiaries, non-auditing services mainly involve providing advisory services aimed at enhancing corporate value. - Fiscal year ended February 29, 2024
At the Company, non-auditing services primarily involve the preparation of comfort letters.
At consolidated subsidiaries, non-auditing services mainly encompass advisory services aimed at enhancing corporate value.
Category | Fiscal year ended February 28, 2023 | Fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 | ||
Compensation for auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for non-auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for auditing services (millions of yen) |
Compensation for non-auditing services (millions of yen) |
Submitting company | - | 8 | - | 4 |
Consolidated subsidiaries | 377 | 168 | 405 | 128 |
Total | 377 | 177 | 405 | 132 |
- Fiscal year ended February 28, 2023
At the Company, non-auditing services primarily entail tax-related services.
At consolidated subsidiaries, non-auditing services mainly involve tax-related services related to royalties. - Fiscal year ended February 29, 2024
At the Company, non-auditing services primarily include advisory services related to auditor education and tax-related services.
The non-auditing services provided by the Company's consolidated subsidiaries mainly include tax-related services.
Not applicable
The Company determines the amount of audit compensation for the auditing certified public accountants, etc. taking into account such factors as the scale and characteristics of the Company’s business operations and the number of days of auditing work.
The Company’s Audit Committee received explanations of the details of the independent auditor’s audit plan, the status of performance of financial auditing duties, and the basis for calculating the compensation estimate from the Business Management Division. Upon examination, the Committee judged that the compensation for the independent auditor is appropriate and gave consent as stipulated in paragraph 1, Article 399 of the Companies Act.
Status of Shareholdings
Shareholding policy, method of verification of the rationale for shareholdings, and details of verification by the Board of Directors, etc. of the appropriateness of shareholdings in individual issues
The Company are aiming for sustainable growth with value creation from a long-term perspective, developing together with various stakeholders in the same local community. From this perspective, The Company strategically holds shares deemed to contribute to enhancement of the Company’s medium- and long-term corporate value by purpose to business collaboration, build, maintain and strengthen business relationships and collaboration. With respect to strategic shareholdings, once a year in April, the Board of Directors examines the holding effect based on the prospect of realizing future investment objectives from the perspective of improving medium- and long-term corporate value, and examines the economic rationality of investment based on investment return, and divests any shareholdings considered to have low significance, taking into consideration the impact on the market and other factors.
Number of issues and total balance sheet amount
Number of issues Total balance sheet amount
(millions of yen)Unlisted shares 36 1,140 Shares other than unlisted shares 57 176,959
(Issues for which the number of shares increased in the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024)
Number of issues Total acquisition cost relating to the increase in the number of shares (millions of yen) Reasons for the increase in the number of shares Unlisted shares - - - Shares other than unlisted shares 2 7,625 ・To sustain the current business relationship
・Acquisition from a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
(Issues for which the number of shares decreased in the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024)
Number of issues Total sale value relating to the decrease in the number of shares (millions of yen) Unlisted shares - - Shares other than unlisted shares 1 1,812
Number by issue name of listed shares held for purposes other than pure investment, and total balance sheet amout by issue name, and other information.
Fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 Fiscal year ended February 28, 2023 Purpose of Holding Shares of the Company cross-held Number of Issues
(Share)Number of Issues
(Share)Total balance sheet amount
(millions of yen)Total balance sheet amount
(millions of yen)TSURUHA HOLDINGS INC. 6,605,200 6,605,200 Business partner for building, maintaining, and enhancing collaborations across operations Yes 74,638 63,343 Marubeni Corporation 13,997,000 13,997,000 Business partner for building, maintaining, and enhancing collaborations across operations Yes 34,600 24,354 KUSURI NO AOKI HOLDINGS CO.,LTD. 9,444,000 3,148,000 Business partner for building, maintaining, and enhancing collaborations across operations No 29,635 22,004 DCM Holdings Co., Ltd. 7,750,196 5,876,396 Business partner for building, maintaining, and enhancing collaborations across operations
To continue to uphold existing partnership relationshipsYes 11,175 6,740 Halows Co., Ltd. 1,822,900 1,822,900 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations No 8,421 5,897 Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. 1,813,600 ー Business partner for building, maintaining, and enhancing collaborations across operations
Acquired shares from our wholly-owned subsidiaryYes 5,070 ー Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. 1,010,710 1,010,710 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 2,830 2,145 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. 1,521,110 1,521,110 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 2,345 1,468 WACOAL HOLDINGS CORP. 628,500 628,500 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 2,294 1,539 The Chiba Bank,Ltd. 1,252,272 1,252,272 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 1,525 1,248 ITOHAM YONEKYU HOLDINGS INC. 214,524 1,072,620 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 881 765 THE HACHIJUNI BANK, LTD. 721,245 721,245 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 661 444 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 54,226 54,226 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 452 323 DAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. 100,000 100,000 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 433 314 The Hyakugo Bank, Ltd. 505,910 505,910 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 334 211 Shizuoka Financial Group, Inc. 166,485 166,485 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 243 181 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. 61,072 30,536 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 185 154 Resona Holdings, Inc. 185,700 185,700 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 151 139 San ju San Financial Group, Inc. 50,996 50,996 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 100 88 Katakura Industries Co., Ltd. 48,000 48,000 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 86 84 OKASAN SECURITIES GROUP INC. 100,000 100,000 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 78 43 The 77 Bank,Ltd. 19,159 19,159 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 75 46 The Chiba Kogyo Bank, Ltd. 67,592 67,592 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 70 37 CROSS PLUS INC. 50,000 50,000 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 62 38 Takihyo Co., LTD. 47,520 47,520 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 58 45 The Nanto Bank,Ltd. 18,795 18,795 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 53 50 The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. 19,908 4,977 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 52 32 HOKKOKU FINANCIAL HOLDINGS, INC 10,000 10,000 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships No 48 41 Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group, Inc. 11,311 11,311 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 48 36 Chugin Financial Group, Inc. 36,000 36,000 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 42 34 The Yamagata Bank, Ltd. 33,815 33,815 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 40 41 The Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd. 18,815 18,815 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships No 40 37 THE SAN-IN GODO BANK, LTD. 28,350 28,350 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 32 24 Mebuki Financial Group, Inc. 59,014 59,014 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 27 21 Juroku Financial Group, Inc. 5,394 5,394 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 23 17 The Hyakujushi Bank, Ltd. 8,442 8,442 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 23 16 Tsukamoto Corporation Co., Ltd. 17,453 17,453 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 21 24 THE SHIGA BANK,LTD. 4,800 4,800 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 19 13 The Awa Bank, Ltd. 5,400 5,400 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 14 12 Aichi Financial Group, Inc. 4,657 4,657 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 12 11 FAST RETAILING CO., LTD. 300 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 12 8 The Keiyo Bank, Ltd. 8,406 8,406 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 6 5 Shiseido Company, Limited 1,241 1,241 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 5 7 YAMATO INTERNATIONAL INC. 13,891 13,891 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations Yes 4 3 COSMOS Pharmaceutical Corporation 200 200 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 2 2 THE TOHO BANK, LTD. 8,000 8,000 Establish, maintain, and strengthen financial transaction and collaboration relationships Yes 2 1 Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 2 1 Sharp Corporation 2,000 2,000 Establish, maintain, and enhance trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations No 1 1 SHIMAMURA Co., Ltd. 200 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 1 1 Lawson, Inc. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 1 0 YAOKO CO., LTD. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 Axial Retailing Inc. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 IZUMI Co., Ltd. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 ARCS COMPANY, LIMITED 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 Valor Holdings Co., Ltd. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 Rakuten Group, Inc. 100 100 To facilitate ascertainment of industry trends No 0 0 SIGNA Sport United N.V. ー 14,607,505 Owned for fostering, maintaining, and strengthening trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations, transitioning from public to private due to delisting No ー 9,094 Keiyo Co., Ltd. ー 3,551,600 Participated in a tender offer and sold all shares Yes ― 2,976 Boxed, Inc. ― 3,629,583 Owned for fostering, maintaining, and strengthening trade and collaboration relationships across retail and other business operations, transitioning from public to private due to delisting No ― 301 Notes:
- Although the shares of The Chiba Bank,Ltd. and the companies below it in the table above do not exceed 1% of the amount of capital on the balance sheet, the top 60 issues are presented.
- It is difficult to state the quantitative shareholding effect. With respect to strategic shareholdings, each year the Board of Directors examines the economic rationality and the purpose of holding from the perspective of medium- and long-term corporate value enhancement.
Shares held for purposes other than pure investment with voting rights retained by the submitting company
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Corporate Governance Report