

Dividend Per Share (Yen) Total Dividend Payment
Dividend Payout Ratio
2nd Quarter Term-End Full-Year (Millions of yen) (%)
FY2024(forecast) 20.00 20.00 40.00 74.4
FY2023 18.00 18.00 36.00 30,855 123.1
FY2022 18.00 18.00 36.00 30,853 143.4
FY2021 18.00 18.00 36.00 30,602 468.1
FY2020 18.00 18.00 36.00 30,601 -

The dividend forecast for FY2024 was announced on April 10, 2024, while we have not disclosed the total dividend payment forecast.
For the fiscal year ending February 28, 2025, the Company intends to distribute an interim ordinary dividend of 18 yen per share along with a commemorative dividend of 2 yen per share. Additionally, a year-end ordinary dividend of 18 yen per share and a commemorative dividend of 2 yen per share are also planned to be distributed.

Basic policy on profit distribution and dividends for the current and next fiscal years

Medium- to long-term basic policy

The Company sets dividends in consideration of its consolidated earnings results while striving to maintain an optimal balance between paying dividends and improving corporate value through medium- to long-term growth as a key management priority of its policy on returns to shareholders.
Specifically, the Company has set a target of maintaining its annual dividend payment at or above the previous year’s payment and implementing a dividend payout ratio of 30% as it endeavors to increase earnings and return even more to shareholders in coming years.
The Company pays dividends twice a year for the purpose of enhancing the opportunities for profit distribution to shareholders. In accordance with the provisions of Article 459 of the Companies Act, the Board of Directors can resolve the year-end dividend payment from surplus to shareholders.
The Company will utilize internal reserves as funds for growth investments essential for future business development and meet shareholder expectations through corporate value enhancement achieved from medium- to long-term growth.

Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year ending February 28, 2025 (FY2024)

The Company plans to issue an annual dividend of 40 yen per share, comprising a regular dividend of 36 yen per share based on the basic dividend policy and a commemorative dividend of 4 yen per share for the 50th anniversary of the Company's listing.
