Aeon Sustainability Principle
Aeon Sustainability Principle
Aeon strives to ensure Group growth while helping to realize a sustainable society in accordance with the basic principle of “pursuing peace, respecting humanity, and contributing to local communities, always with the customer’s point of view at its core.”
We aim to think globally and advance activities locally as we actively promote initiatives involving both environmental and social aspects with our many stakeholders.
Vital environmental challenges
Achieving a decarbonized society
Preservation of biodiversity
Promotion of resource recycling
Vital social challenges
Creating products and stores that meet social expectations
Engaging in fair business practices that respect human rights
Collaborating with the community
Revised in September 2018
Aeon Co., Ltd. Environmental Policy
We use an environmental management system, periodically review our actions, and make continuous improvements to enhance our environmental performance to promote our efforts.
- We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all business activities in order to realize a decarbonized society.
- Aeon continuously improves energy efficiency at stores.
- Efforts are under way to reduce energy expenditure across the entire product supply chain.
- We understand the effects our business has on and the benefits from the ecosystem and promote preservation activities.
- Aeon is engaged in developing and procuring sustainable, resource-managed products.
- We promote tree planting activities and other actions that help protect local ecosystems.
- We promote resource recycling to enable sustainable resource usage.
- Aeon also promotes the reduce, reuse, recycle method.
- We strive to select materials that have a minimal environmental impact.
- We strictly follow environmental laws and regulations, and work to prevent contamination. This policy is also made known both to our employees and to all persons who help support our business activities.
- Aeon is engaged in expanding our range of initiatives by building partnerships with as many people as possible, starting with our customers.
Revised March 2020
AEON Co., Ltd.
Director and Representative Executive Chairman